

Change in color image
Color change OK

Mod NO
Copy NO
Transfer OK

Mod OK
Copy OK
Transfer NO

***Warning Rez***
You become able to present the box when buying it.
Rez, when, the permission is changed, so it can't be presented to anyone.

* When you use by yourself(on your ownuse).
Just as it is, a box, Rez, please open.
A procedureA buyer > Rez > opens.

*When you're using with a present (for anyone).
The given one, Rez it please.
A procedureA buyer> It's sent to the giver > giver Rez> opens.

**mischievous cat** Main Shop http://slurl.com/secondlife/petit%20pas/102/222/2



Change in color image


Time difference adjustment+0~+12 OK
Color change OK

Mod NO
Copy NO
Transfer OK

Mod OK
Copy OK
Transfer NO

***Warning Rez***
You become able to present the box when buying it.
Rez, when, the permission is changed, so it can't be presented to anyone.

* When you use by yourself(on your ownuse).
Just as it is, a box, Rez, please open.
A procedureA buyer > Rez > opens.

*When you're using with a present (for anyone).
The given one, Rez it please.
A procedureA buyer> It's sent to the giver > giver Rez> opens.

**mischievous cat** Main Shop http://slurl.com/secondlife/petit%20pas/102/222/2



Change in color image

Color change OK

Mod NO
Copy NO
Transfer OK

Mod OK
Copy OK
Transfer NO

***Warning Rez***
You become able to present the box when buying it.
Rez, when, the permission is changed, so it can't be presented to anyone.

* When you use by yourself(on your ownuse).
Just as it is, a box, Rez, please open.
A procedureA buyer > Rez > opens.

*When you're using with a present (for anyone).
The given one, Rez it please.
A procedureA buyer> It's sent to the giver > giver Rez> opens.

**mischievous cat** Main Shop